Monday, January 9, 2017

9 Weird and Hilarious Superstitions

I’m the first to admit that I watch and read way too much in the Fantasy genre. I have a very rich fantasy life and these books, movies and TV shows only serve to make me a tiny bit nutty when it comes to the supernatural – but, let’s be clear, this list is nothing but entertaining. 

1.       Carrying or seeing someone carrying an empty bucket is bad luck (Russia)

The entertainment value of this superstition is based in the fact that someone has to carry an empty bucket at some point. How exactly are you supposed to fetch water or rocks or dirt or whatever you put in a bucket, if your bucket full. Yes, I’ve thought way to much about this bucket situation, but seriously, what kind of crazy bad luck superstition puts anyone with a bucket at risk?!

2.       Eating goat meat causes facial hair, but only in women (Rwanda)

So, it’s not that eating goat meat is a problem, it’s only a problem if you’re a woman? What if you already have facial hair (as many women do), will you get more? Does this apply to goat milk? I don’t eat meat, but I’m not giving up goat cheese, so I guess I’ll take the risk on the facial hair.

3.       Anyone you “cheer” with water, you’re wishing death to (Germany)

Wait a minute, if you do wish death on someone, all you have to do is cheers them with water? This is too easy. Does this only work in Germany? Does this effect a whole dinner party or just the people you clink glasses with?

4.       Walking backward will bring you bad luck (Portugal)

This one is just silly and darn obvious. Of course it’s bad luck to walk backward…especially for any extended period of time. You’re just increasing the odds that you’ll fall and bruise your bum – or break your wrist, like really, turn around, walk forward.

5.       Running a fan in a closed room will kill you! (S. Korea)

I’m just guessing this isn’t true because some oddly large percentage of Americans would be resting in peace under their ceiling fans. I can just see the M Night shyamalan version of this…people sitting in living rooms across the country, they appear to be sleeping, but they’re really all DEAD!

6.       Sitting your wallet or purse on the floor will bring you to poverty (Brazil & my mother)

Okay, so my mother has been brow beating me on this one since I started carrying a purse. She bought me my first purse (great gift) then followed it with a lecture on how it was never to touch the floor. Well, I thought it was about germs, but now I’m starting to second guess her motivations…and her country of origin.

7.       Leaving a pair of scissors open will make evil spirits angry (Egypt)

I’m not sure why you wouldn’t want to make evil spirits mad…they’re already evil, what’s a little scissor anger gonna do? Plus, what sort of crazy person leaves scissors open, that’s just plain old dangerous.

8.       It’s good luck to have birds poop on you (International)

Having experienced this first hand, I can say it’s likely a load of poop. But, I was in Puerto Rico, so…maybe I’d already had my good luck?

9.       If you sing at the table you’re serenading the devil (The Netherlands)

Again, this must be a regional superstition because Americans sing at the table constantly! Hell, we’d have to change all restaurant birthday celebrations. But, now that I think about it…good lord, we’ve been serenading the devil?!?

Superstitions via Diply:

*Written by Lindsay S., Redwood resident.

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