Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Reflecting Light: Changing Décor for the Fall Season

After getting all geared up for summer, we find ourselves facing fall. Now, don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love fall – I mean LOVE fall. I’m not a PSL person (mostly because I don’t drink coffee), but I’m looking forward to the changing colors and the crisp air and the tempting smells of all things apple.

Something else I’m looking forward to is decorating for the changing light. As fall approaches, and the days get increasingly shorter, the light begins to change. My apartment at Redwood faces east, which means that my front room (which houses all of my plants) has fantastic morning light. It also means that my living room, and my patio doors, face west. Behind my apartment is a luscious strip of deciduous trees. As the fall approaches, the trees begin to go dormant and lose their leaves, exposing the white tail deer as they roam about.

It also exposes the most beautiful fall sunsets a girl could ask for. I’ve lived in several states and in countless apartments, but I’ve never been transfixed by the light in any other apartment like I have in this one.

Because the light is so beautiful and the season is so short – almost too short, I want my décor to compliment that fantastic glow that streams into my apartment each evening, but I want to do so in a way that is temporary or at least prepares me for the coming holiday season, which will be coming all too soon.

Reflecting Light


In order to make the most of the light that my Redwood apartment affords me, I’m leveraging a tried and true decorator’s tip – mirrors. I’m going to assume that, like me, the idea of putting a bunch of mirrors around my apartment doesn’t sound too appealing at all. I mean, seriously, pride in one’s personal appearance is a fantastic thing, but who wants the expense or maintenance of a hall of mirrors?

What I’m suggesting is a simpler and less obtrusive way to use mirrors – and that’s mirrored accents.
Mirrored tables have been all the rage for bedrooms for years. They’re so popular, that you can even find high-end replicas at your local big box discount chain. Of course, I wouldn’t necessarily suggest purchasing an entire mirrored dresser or end table, but maybe adding a few mirrored tiles to the top of your current end table or console? I’m a huge fan of mirrored tiles. You can pick up a pack of 12 at a hardware store for a few dollars and use each of the mirrors on different surfaces.

Using double sided tape or Velcro, you can temporarily glam up any piece of furniture in your apartment. And, if capturing the light is the goal, using mirrored tiles allows you to move them around as the season progresses.

Other mirrored accent option include mirrored lamps, vases, candle holders and clocks. Placing these accent pieces around a room will create extra glimpses of that beautiful fall light.

I can already hear you – “But Lindsay, we’re talking about fall décor, what’s up with the mirrors? Isn’t that a glam thing?” Actually, no. If you visit any décor shop or décor aisle in a discount store, you’ll see a variety of mirrored accents, many of them with blended textures – mixing wood and metals with the mirrors – adding a rustic or fall inspired look. You don’t need me to tell you that fall is all about the colors orange, brown and red. It’s a standard because those colors literally reflect the colors of the season. But, for decorating, let’s be a bit more creative and let’s play with the light that each of these beautiful fall days affords us.

*Written by Lindsay S., a proud writer, swimmer, and Redwood resident.

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