Friday, July 1, 2016

The Party Host's Guide To Holiday Entertaining

If you decide to host a 4th of July party this year, make sure your guests are entertained with these great games for all ages.


Frozen T-Shirt Contest


This is a great game for a hot day!
  • Take large t-shirts and soak them in water the night before your event. Roll them up really tight and stick them in the freezer. The next day hand them out to the participants. The first one who is able to successfully get the shirt on wins the game.


Giant Jenga 


If you or a member of your family have the tools to cut wood, this can be a fun and inexpensive game.
  • Purchase two-by-fours and cut them in equal lengths according to how large you want the game to be. After that, sand them down and you are good to play!
  • For extra fun, write activities on certain blocks (i.e. you cannot use your right hand or must stand on one leg). When a participant pulls that block they have to follow the rule for their next turn.


Aim Games 


  • Take a tarp or old sheet and cut out shapes. You and your guests can throw footballs, baseballs, or even try and shoot a water gun through the holes. Make sure to tape up the edges so that they do not fray or rip.
  • Hang up the sheet between two trees, two ladders or anything that is tall and sturdy.
*Bonus challenge: Make the holes different sizes and add points depending on how hard it is.


Backyard Bowling 


  • Set up empty water bottles or soda cans in the same formation as bowling pins on your driveway. Fill them up with water to make sure that they do not fall down with the wind. Draw the lanes in chalk and use a basketball or baseball for the bowling ball.
*To make it extra festive, dye some of the water blue and red.

Flour Finder


Hide three items in a bowl/ plate of flour (or pudding). Each contestant will get a bowl filled with the three items which they can only find using their face. The first contestant to find all three items wins!
Make sure the items are large enough that no one could accidentally swallow them.

Happy Independence Day! Did we miss any of your favorite party games? Let us know in the comments!

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