Tuesday, May 3, 2016

DIY Vase Your Mom Will Love

Your Mom (and your wallet) will love this!
From the time we were little kids, our Mothers always loved the presents we made: the handmade cards, the (poorly) drawn pictures, and the macaroni necklaces. They didn’t care that our gifts cost little to nothing; they cared that we put in our time and love.  Even though our bank accounts have grown (albeit slightly for some), that doesn’t mean we have to use them.

This year, I decided not just to get my mother flowers, but to put them in a one-of-a-kind vase. Below is a step by step guide on how to make the same for your Mom. 

This whole project only costs $24 (or less if you have some materials at home!

Glass Vase 
Vellum Paper  
 Paint Brush  
 Decoupage Formula  
Stickers and gems (optional)

Pro tips:
  • You can buy the decoupage formula at any crafts store, or just make it yourself (the magic formula is 3 parts glue and 1 part water).
  • Before you go to the crafts store, print coupons!
  • Get a vase with as few curves as possible; vases that go in and out and have wider rims can be tricky. Square is the easiest shape to work with.
  • Think about sticking to one color scheme.


Step 1: The Research 
  • Look through old photos 
  •  Look for or type up your own quotes and inside jokes
  • Look up funny mom memes 
  • Include photos of places that mean something to both of you
    • Vacation spots 
    • Your home
    • Favorite restaurant
    • Books she used to read you

Step 2: Preparation 
  •  Print out your research on Vellum pape.
  • Cut out shapes.
  •  Line up all your images so you can get a general sense of how you will arrange them.
Pro Tip:
Have an extra page of bonus shapes (ex: hearts, stars, flowers) that you can print, these are helpful to fill in blank spaces.

Step 3: Dive in!


  • Apply decoupage to a small area on the vase (thin layer!)
  • When placing your images on the vase, make sure to push down on the edges to avoid bubbles and wrinkles.
  •  Once you have all your images attached,  go back and add in the bonus shapes
  • Let sit for about 10 minutes 
  • Apply an even top layer of the decoupage formula  

 Pro Tip: 

  • Once everything dries (about 40 minutes) examine your piece, if you need to, go back and add more of your bonus shapes to hide blank areas

Step 4: Add Flowers and Give to Mom!


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